Friday, September 14, 2012

And so it *really* begins [for L]

Next week is a milestone week in fertility treatment around these parts. It will be the second and third diagnostic procedures that I have.

Although B has had many tests and doctor's appointments, I haven't had too many yet. (Though, it is funny that now we're seeing a reproductive medicine specialist that I'm considered the primary patient. I guess it's that whole bearing a child part.)

Last week I had some blood drawn that will be tested to determine my progesterone and prolactin levels, both of which are very important hormones in the fertility process.

On Wednesday morning, we have an appointment with our doctor who will do an ultrasound to check everything out and make sure my uterine anatomy is OK. Afterward, we'll meet with her to review the blood work and set up a treatment schedule/review options.

On Friday afternoon, I have an appointment at a radiology clinic for an HSG test, which is a diagnostic procedure on the fallopian tubes. I've read online and heard from several other people that sometimes this test is very uncomfortable/borderline painful. BUT, everyone is different, and I've been told by doctors that I have a high pain threshold, so I'm hopeful it won't be a big deal for me. Regardless, B is going with me so that I don't have to drive home.

Because various tests have to be done at various stages of my cycle, the HSG test has to be done after the meeting with the doctor. The doctor mentioned at our preliminary meeting that we would begin creating a treatment plan at the ultrasound appointment, so I'm curious how the HSG test and its results will fit into everything.

If we could start a treatment cycle in October, we'd be ecstatic. It seems like we're always on some version of a two-week wait!

Prayers and kind thoughts are always appreciated.


I should also mention that B's test results from his last analysis were very good. They're not normal, but much closer than the first test and our doctor said that they were definitely good enough to make IUI an option.

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