Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I'd be lying if I didn't acknowledge that some days are tougher than others. There's not always a rhyme or a reason why, but sometimes it's just hard. Occasionally, someone mentions something about their baby or you see something online and it sets off a floodgate of emotions.

Yesterday was one of those days. It was one of those days from the second my feet hit the ground when I got out of bed and it was one of those days when I cried most of the way to work. It sucked. I had a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach all day. B knew it was one of those days too. He sent me a really sweet e-mail and did his best to make me feel better. It's amazing to have that support.

I was proud of myself though. After my morning meltdown, most of the day at work went pretty normally and I was able to get everything done that I wanted to do after work (vote, mow, cook dinner, and go for a short run). I was really proud of myself of fitting in the run at 9 p.m. It made me feel a lot better.

You just do what you can to get through and know that tomorrow will be a new day.

Today was much better! Thank goodness. :-)

B's doctor didn't have any good recommendations for a reproductive endocrinologist at his appointment Monday, so B is going to ask his actual endocrinologist for a recommendation at his appointment next week. If that doctor doesn't have a recommendation, then we'll just pick one and go from there. We're lucky to live in an area with lots of choices.

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